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Explore the world of playing cards with a whole new set of tools. Browse the database and discover inspiration around the corner or go on the hunt for your favorite deck utilizing the site's search and filtering systems. Search by the exact specifications you want to get only the decks you're looking for.
Discover New & Vintage Decks

Manage Your Collections

Never before has collecting been so easy. Manage your collections, tradelists, and wishlists all with the click of a button. Add or or subtract any deck to any list within a deck page and even add your own personal notes about your specific decks that are private to you. View your collections in visual format or list form to make organizing easiest for you. Best of all you can move and arrange your decks in the order that you want. No more forgetting. No more spreadsheets. No more confusion.
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Community Driven

This site became the world's largest playing card database because of people like you. Portfolio52 is an openly editable website where anyone can contribute their expertise on new decks, images, and other appropriate information to help others in the community. The success of the site thrives on the passion of us collectors. Any user can help update the site to help make the database more rich in content. As users submit information, contributors will filter for appropriateness to ensure that the site's integrity remains in tact. Each submission adds to a future search making each action matter. So what are you waiting for? Join now!
Community Driven


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